Wednesday, February 13, 2008


If you read the book Good to Great by Jim Collins he explains how important it is to have the right people on the bus. Recently, I was asked to lead a sales coaching session for a team in a different line of business. The experience was great and I really felt I was making an impact. After the meeting I was asked to come back 2 more times to continue the training that we were developing. Although this is not in my job description it is certainly something I enjoy and am passionate about.

After thinking through this request for a while I began to wonder why there is no one else leading these sessions? I am concerned if the right people are on the bus and if not how will this change? In my expereince as a culture evolves you have to be willing to find the right people and if the model changes you will likely need fresh talent. Very few people will be able to adapt and change to a new enviroment. I am not saying people cannot change but the time it takes to make these changes can sometimes be the difference between success and failure. One of the first things you will every read in a marketing book is about being the first to market and how important it is. The same goes for people if you let your employees lag your culture will not change thus forcing you to lag the competition.