Monday, March 19, 2007

Positive Workplace

A positive workplace is tough to define for many leaders as sometimes they feel their actions are very positive. In reality they have no idea that they are coming off as arrogant, lack of personal concern, or self absorbed. The less interaction a leader has with someone the more positive they have to be with them as this time cannot be recouped in most cases. If you are only spending 5 minutes with someone every week and the only thing the leader ever says is "we need more," "what have you done lately," "last months numbers were terrible" this is only going to transpose to a negative feeling for that employee. I believe that everyone for the most part comes to work to do a good job and at the point of contact with his/her manager is when motivation is changed in an instant. A great leader can take that same employee and build them up for the upcoming day by saying, "Good Morning, Great day yesterday I appreciate the hard work lets do it again today." Even if they had a bad day a great leader can say, "Yesterday was tough lets think about what might have went wrong and make some changes today, I know we can do it!"

The key to leadership is that it never ends, leaders are leaders 24/7. They are leaders at work, home, and the community. They are constantly trying to make others around them better and they never settle. However the title leader is not like Vice President and does not come with tenure. At any point a change in direction and focus can quickly change someone from being a leader to a manager and gaining the title of leader will be hard to regain. The best thing about leadership is it does not have to have a title, anyone can be a leader as long as others are willing to follow. If you create an environment that fosters growth, imagination, and feedback motivations will come very easy.

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