Monday, January 29, 2007

Skill vs Will

Today I was working with a new employee and going over some sales strategies. This is were I really enjoy spending my time and helping people develop into something they do not think they can be. This also goes back to the attitude skill vs. will and why some people are successful and why others are not. In my career I have seen numerous people who have been successful for one reason only and that is because of hard work. They are not the smartest person in the room, might not be the best looking, and probably are not the most talented but for some reason they are always on top. They have the will to be successful.

On the the other hand I have seen people who have all the talent in the world but their work ethic is horrible and they simply perform terribly. These are the people who traditionally have one good month and then take the next month off. This is not a skill issue however it is a will issue.

In business I would much rather surround myself with people who have the will rather than the pure skill. You cannot teach will but you can teach skills. People who do not have skills will traditionally gravitate to the people who do and if these people do not have will you have just created a cancer. This cancer will spread quickly and the people effected most will not be the ones will skills as they can rebound at any time. People are the key to a successful business it is who you surround yourself that will determine your success.

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