Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Building Rome

Rome was not built in a day! As a leader and a business we need make sure we understand that and take the necessary approach daily to make a long term difference. So many times business leaders want results today however do not demonstrate the key attributes to that will lead to daily attainable results.

In recently had a conversation with an executive who explained she was asked to attend a breakfast with a part of their organization. Long story short this executive made a decision that the breakfast was too early causing her day to start earlier than expected. Now lets think about this, will this same executive be able to ask her team to come in early or stay late? Will this person's team support the tough decisions that have to be made for the betterment of the business? The answer is probably not.

This is an example of doing the small things in order to build an empire. Business leaders need to take the small steps each and every day in order to build the empire. You do not have to win every deal but you have to win every day!

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