Monday, February 12, 2007

Lead by Example

Lead by Example, is this a management concept or a way of life in your organization. So many organizations say that their leaders manage by this method; however, if you ask their employees you will probably hear a different reaction. Is this method effective? In a recent study I was able to determine that a high percentage of associates would rather see their managers lead by example rather than any other strategy. The most alarming point of the research was the associates did not necessarily care if the manager had success or failure. The fact they were willing to dig in with them was enough to understand their daily struggles.

In business we as leaders sometimes forget about the daily grind that our front line has to deal with each and every day. It is always a good idea to understand their challenges and opportunities and there is no better way to accomplish this than just jumping in. If a manager is viewed as someone who is not willing to jump in and help out. They are not looked at as part of the team but rather an outsider.

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