Saturday, March 31, 2007

Free Agents

Company loyalty 50 years ago was a dominant force for the global economy. My father and grandfather were very loyal to their companies and almost felt a obligation to stay with their companies regardless good or bad. Today that is not and option and employees are really becoming "free agents" just like athletes going to the highest bidder. The problem with this concept is the most money does not always translate into the largest opportunity. Here are a couple of things to think through when you have filed your papers for free agency.

  • What is the responsibility and scope of this role
  • Will I be challenged both professional and intellectually
  • Is there opportunity to change roles and if so how fast
  • Who will I be working for and what type of a leader are they
  • Is the business growing or focused on efficiency

The reality is companies cannot count on an employee staying for a significant amount of time. If they hire the right people for the right roles the have a better chance at staying, but not a guarantee. However most people leave roles because of their manager so regardless of pay if you are not treating people right they are going to leave. Since employees are not loyal there is no reason not to be honest as it is too costly for a company to have attrition.

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