Monday, April 2, 2007

Stepping Up

There are leaders in this world who are quiet and will surprise you at anytime. Although these people have the ability to lead all the time they selectively use this talent. It might be sending flowers to a spouse or giving you a nice email when you are down. The challenge that these people have is getting these emotions out more often and helping their team to higher results.

As a leader you have to be able to identify this talent and capitalize on it. People truly love to feel part of the team and know they have value in the organization. They also need to know they have options and there is no such thing as a glass ceiling. A leader needs to make each person develop their career into their own personal goals whatever those might be. Help their employees take on more challenges that might position the employee for long term success. If the employee feels they have this support of their leader trust will build and production will increase.

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