Thursday, January 18, 2007

Junior Achievement

Today I had an outstanding experience with Junior Achievement. A peer and myself went to a local elementary school and taught a lesson to a group of 1st graders. It is amazing to see how excited a group of children can get when they are treated to the best gift of all, knowledge. As we began it was evident the class was going to be fun and energetic. The kids were awesome and eager to learn and the focus was on business, family and needs/wants.

It is amazing to see the dynamic of how the world is changing. These children at the age of 6 are talking about computers, video games and other electronics. In this day in age you have to be on the cutting edge of technology or you are going to be left behind.

Giving back to the community is a great feeling. The feeling that you get when you see the smiles on the children's faces is outstanding. In life and in business it is important to make these sacrifices especially to the next generation. These are the people that will be running our companies, politics, and schools. Everyone has a busy life and the thought of making more time is always difficult but if everyone in the world just gave 4 hours a year could you imagine the impact it could have.

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