Saturday, May 12, 2007

International Experience

Today I am embarking on an international experience with a few colleagues from my MBA program. Although the experience will be unique for many of us the relationships that will be build through this experience will last a life time. These are times professionals need to enjoy the experience for what it is and remove any feelings they might have had going into the experience.

It will be very interesting to watch the dynamics of the group and how groups will split up. Good, bad or indifferent it will be interesting and it is likely some will not enjoy the experience which is unfortunate. Some of my peers travel internationally very often while others including myself do not. As a leader matures into their role they must think about the global impact of business or they will be left behind.

Lastly it will be the responsibility of the professors to engage the class into this outstanding learning experience. At this point in every one has a career and responsibility, some greater than others but the professors will need to understand this. If the professors do not demonstrate professional coaching and leadership during this experience they will have failed as leaders.

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