Sunday, December 17, 2006


This weekend was a focus on balance and fun. I spent the first part of my weekend with my MBA team delivering our presentation on "Discharging Employees." The presentation went well I thought we all delivered on the topic at hand. The only feedback I would have is for the group to run though the presentation before the final day. It seemed as if our transitions were fairly rough and did not go smoothly. Overall I think we did fairly but I think the program should include presentation skills and and class regarding how to present.

The remainder of my weekend was spent with my brother and my wife. We went to see the movie "Pursuit of Happyness." My wife and I had a good time and the movie was average I thought the book was much better. Although it is interesting the form of motivation was family success and caring for his child. I am sure my life will indeed change once I have children and I can certainly respect the challenge that people have balancing family and professional lives. A recent interview with Tiger Woods he stated his biggest success is his balance between work and family. I thought this was extremely insightful.

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